Episode #9 – What is SUPERMEET!?
Anna and Jared reunite! It’s been a few weeks since they’ve been on “For Time” together, but what a great opportunity for them to talk about the upcoming SUPERMEET being held on Saturday, December 16th, 2023.
SUPERMEET is your opportunity to find one rep maxes in a (shall we say it) myriad of lifts. The space will be set up from 10 am – 2 pm for you to move through the various movements at your own speed. Take your time and see just how strong you really are!
BUT… don’t take too much time as you only have two hours to complete the 6 lifts. Lifts included will be the snatch, clean + jerk, deadlift, squat, strict press and weighted pull-up. To repeat, the event is 4 hours long but as a competitor you only get TWO HOURS to complete all 6 lifts. Be strategic, be accurate, have FUN!!!
SIGN UP NOW To learn more about SUPERMEET…
(it’s FREE for all Myriad members)
Book your Free Intro HERE to Learn More.