Our next CrossFit Deep Dive will be held on Wednesday, February 28th, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. This month’s session focuses on a second round of CrossFit Open Movements, featuring c-swings, pull-ups, toes to bar, and muscle ups. Led by Coach Jason, former gymnast and current VP of USA Men’s Gymnastics, we will be focusing our time and attention on the rig. This hour long session will pay particular attention to the foundational positions of the “hollow” and “arch” that will allow athletes to transition this skill set into the c-swings on the rig. Once the c-swing skill is practiced, we will move into performing this movement on the rig with toes-to-bar and kipping pull-ups (and potentially bar muscle ups if time allows). You can expect a lot of hanging and grip work during this Deep Dive along with some drills to work on during open gym hours on your own. Athletes should expect this to be a hands on coaching session in which the coach will help to put you in the right positions.
CrossFit Deep Dive is available to all CrossFit Focus, 3-in-1, and unlimited Memberships.