CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 1/13/20-1/19/20

Monday: week 2 of our 8 week strength cycle today! We will start off with movement prep before getting into the strength piece and then closing the day out with  rowing buy in to a little couplet workout. Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift – goal is to end around 80-85% of your 1 rep max and start your fives where you ended your sevens Tuesday: another quick couplet to start the day out today before working into some accessory work focusing on our pulling strength and core. Wednesday: back to the strength cycle today with the bench press! Your workout will be a little sprint interval piece with body weight movements to buy you into the bike. Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Bench Press Thursday: getting into stability and posterior chain work to start the day today. Your workout will be another interval piece featuring 1:00 stations for max reps of a few fun movements we do not get to see too often. Friday: closing out week 2 of the strength cycle with the back squat. Your workout will be a dumbbell piece featuring unilateral work. Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat Saturday: getting our weekend going with a fun accessory piece to start with a team of people before tackling a partner workout. You will work through a long chipper that ends with a bit of fun upside down to finish! Have a fun and fit week!]]>