Monday: happy benchmark Monday! Last week, we tested 922 Capitol named after our downtown space. This week we will be retesting the workout named for our SoBro location. Come ready to lift heavy and work through some gymnastics. Tuesday: getting in some skill and accessory work to start the day before taking on a hard and fast interval workout. Wednesday: starting the day off with strength work, testing a one rep max before we begin on a new strength cycle in a few weeks. We will finish the hour with a single arm kettlebell extravaganza! Thursday: working on our olympic lifting technique to begin the day. Our workout today is a fun triplet full of cardio movements and gymnastics. Friday: more strength testing to finish the week off, this time with a squat. The last workout of the work week will feature a moderately heavy barbell on a challenging movement for many. Come in to enjoy a lot of practice on this movement so you can turn a weakness into a strength! Saturday: spending the weekend on a partner workout featuring all sorts of fun movements with challenging rep schemes to split between you and a friend. You will get to enjoy this after a little pump session to begin the day. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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