For Time to Max Reps
- On a 10:00 Clock:
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Good Morning to T Fly
- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- Get Up Get Downs
- In Remaining Time:
- Max Handstand Push Ups
- On a 10:00 Clock:
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
- Get Up Get Downs
- In Remaining Time:
- Max Handstand Push Ups
You will start the day off with a bit of accessory work for your shoulders, core, posterior chain, and balance. We will then move into the 10:00 workout above that starts with a couplet for time of a hinge movement and a get up get down. The hinge movement will be descending in reps from 10 to 1 while the get up get downs ascend from 1 to 10. When you finish that couplet, you will perform as many handstand push ups as possible in the remaining time before 10:00 expires.
The get up get downs can be modified by crossing your ankles, rolling up towards your shin rather than onto your feet, or by using your hands to help you. If that is still scary, opt for a no push up burpee into an air squat instead!
The handstand push ups can be scaled to a seated press if you have weights available, a piked push up, or a classic push up if you are still working on that skill.
If you want a greater challenge on the handstand push ups, then try elevating your feet for your piked handstand push up or going into the wall. If you have handstand push ups as a skill, then you can attempt strict instead of kipping for a greater strength challenge.
Fitness Schedule
Yoga Schedule
Helpful links:
You can view the most up to date schedule and sign into class through Pike13! Pike13 will send you a link to the class once you pre-register!
All 4PM Public Fitness classes can be accessed here!
All 2:30PM Public Kids classes can be accessed here!
For details on what to expect during each @ Home Class, learn more here