Today’s Workout: Strength: Squat Clean 3-3-3+ touch and go 65-75-85% of 1rm squat clean WOD: 4 rounds 250m row 5 burpee box jumps (24/20) 10 toes to bar 20 Goblet Squats (2/1.5) sub 75 pound FS for Goblets if no KB’s left. Post (on your own if time permits) 3-6 minutes of plank hold front/side/side]]>
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where is Josh’s post?
I’m in SC today for my sister’s wedding. Go ahead and assume I would have done this in about 3 minutes.
finally felt strong again today with my lifts. worked up to #108 (x5) on the squat cleans.
WOD 16:45
that 1.5 pood was freaking HEA-VY.
Worked up to 215×2 on the squat cleans, first time really adding some weight on this movement.
WOD: 19’19” Rx
worked up to 145 on the squat cleans, 5 reps on the last set. i wasn’t sure what my 1RM was, so i guess it should have been a little heavier than 165.
WOD: 16:53 rx
2 pood Goblet squats are a new enemy of mine.
Squat Clean – estimated max of 185 to concentrate on form and will go up to 205 or so next time.
3 X 125, 145, 165
WOD 18:18 with knee to elbow sub for toe to bar
WOD 18:33 with knees to elbow
Skill_Squall Clean: 95-105-125 (4)
WOD_16:26 (1.5 pood to be extra cautious of LB, feels a little better, though)
Perfect end-of-the-week WOD before I represent with a “body-by-CFNT” on the Chicago PRIDE Sidetrack Float!
Squat clean 95-105-125 (5 reps for last round)
WOD: 17:11 as Rx’d
Squat clean – 95/110/125(4) – the set of 4 at 125# was the highlight of this training session for me
Wod: RX 16:53 (I think, forgot to write my time down after)
post – 6min of planks
Squat Clean: 90-105-115 (4 reps)
WOD: 21:01 rx’d