Sign up for the Lift Off here if you want to compete for reals! The anniversary party is THIS SATURDAY! We have over 175 people signed up and are hoping that number continues to grow this week. Your attire for the event is fancy with a side of fitness (i.e. dress in cocktail attire with your athletic shoes). Monday: more gymnastics work today with a great deal of core conditioning to start the day off. We will start the day off with some holiday fun and then finish the day off with a “punny” workout, BOO! There is a longer buy in and buy out with a fun and quick couplet in the middle. Tuesday: in honor of our 5 year party this weekend, we will be taking on a workout named after our very first location: 609 Delaware. It is a long and giant chipper with a mix of bodyweight and barbell movements that you will be working your way through today. have fun and get ready to sweat! Wednesday: more gymnastics skill work to start the day off this time in the form of an alternating EMOM. One skill we work on fairly often and the other will be new to many. The workout piece for today is a mix of two classic CrossFit ladies with some odd objects rather than the standard barbell. It is sure to be just as nasty as the original! Thursday: back to a barbell today for a bit of strength work to start the day off. Nothing too complicated, just some squats to keep the legs strong. The rest of the day will be a leg burner in a different kind of way. Pack your jump rope if you have one! Friday: we will have to wait and see what today’s workout is! CrossFit HQ will be releasing the workout Thursday night for the CrossFit Lift Off. You will be paired up to count and cheer for one another. Saturday: you will be paired up with a buddy today to take on today’s workouts. There is a lot of work and rest involved along with good communication with your partner. The day is very approachable meaning we invite you to bring friends and family along for a community day of sorts in honor of our anniversary party this evening! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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