…that means it is coming soon folks! In case you are new to the NapTown family or have forgotten about rowing club during the warm months of the year, we have some incredible rowers among us who are kind enough to share their knowledge with us during the wintry months. Rowing club is the perfect way to improve your rowing technique and capacity as well as maintain more of your cardiovascular endurance through the months in the Midwest that are way too cold to run in. Rowing Club will take place every Sunday at 10:00am at the Delaware location beginning November 6th. Worried you don’t know enough about rowing to participate or maybe you want a tune up on some technique before you spend hours on the erg? You are in luck! Our coaches are hosting two rowing clinics on Saturday November 19th as a crash course. Spaces are limited to 20 people per class and you can choose to attend one or both. They are free to members but we ask that you enroll in the classes via your Front Desk account. Beginner Rowing Clinic: Saturday November 19th 11:30am-12:30pm at Delaware Intermediate/Advanced Rowing Clinic: Saturday November 19th 12:30pm-1:30pm]]>
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