CrossFit Weekly Program Preview : 11/14-11/20

Monday: day one of gymnastics testing. Have a goal in mind for every movement you approach this week and try to best your score from last time. You will also be doing some strength work today before hopping into a three round triplet to finish the day with a nice sweat. Tuesday: more gymnastics testing today followed by a fairly high skill workout. We are taking a fun twist on a fairly classic CrossFit workout and flipping it upside down. Wednesday: your day will start off with some focused mobility in your thoracic region to help with overhead and front rack mobility. That will lead us nicely into your workout that will involve some heavier weights in those positions. Bring all of the things you like to use when lifting hard and heavy! Thursday:  another gymnastics test will begin your Thursday before diving into a bro session. Grab your sweat bands and cut off T Shirts for a trip down memory lane y’all. The day will finish off with another quick couplet to get you sweaty on your way out. Friday: final day of gymnastics testing for now! After that, we will be diving back into a barbell piece to work on positioning and technique, skill level will determine exactly how you tackle this piece. Your final piece for the day will be all about cardio. Saturday: what better way to finish off our gymnastics cycle than with a super gymnasty classic CrossFit lady?? There is not better way to do it so that’s what we are gonna do. Have a fun and fit week!]]>