It’s summer which means it’s time to go on a trip! While COVID has put the kibosh on a lot of our original plans, a trip doesn’t have to be one that is to a location but perhaps it’s a spiritual transformation. This week, we are studying vahanas- or vehicles of spiritual transformation. In Hinduism the vahanas are the animals/ creatures that the gods/ goddesses ride on to deliver their transformative powers. We can view vahanas as the portals or vessels in which we ride to our next destination (whether that be physical or metaphysical kind).
News flash *WE ARE HALF WAY THROUGH THE YEAR!!* As we prepare for our mid year goal check in (June 20- get signed up!) it’s time to review where we started and where we are headed. Think back to January 2021, are you where you hoped to be? If not, what might be a vessel to get there- if you’re close, maybe you need a final rev of your engine? Consider what vehicles, vessels and energies you need to move towards your goals or create new ones with us this week.
As for our poses, camel pose (ustrasana) is a vahana that we will explore in our flow classes, and hamsa (swan pose) in our yin and restorative. If you’re the googling type, there’s some beautiful mythology associated with these creatures so give it a gander and join us on the mat!