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6 rounds as RX’ed
4 rounds + 7 PP, 55#
75# Press
yeah that picture didnt happen 🙁 I lost gas at 96 but will push towards the next wod and see how much of the gap i can close up.
Good work everyone~ be proud of all your hard work and dedication
Jen, I think you should still be proud of the # you did put up. You were awesome!:)
i appreciate that Leslie!! i really do. Thanks for cheering me on Saturday 🙂
press 145-155-165-175-185
RX’d 5+10 KBS
Walking pace…definitely had some left in my tank
press 83-95-100-105-110
RX’d 5+3 PP
Today felt surprisingly good!
strict press – worked up to 145, then ran out of time before a rep to failure.
RX’d, 5 rounds + 15 KBs
6+4 rx’d Holy forearms
Press 185 or 195
5 rounds + 6 KBS ( with blue bands on pull ups )
Press 43#
WOD: 4 rounds + 8 push press (35#, yellow KB, and green band for pull ups).
Great job to Christy for making her second attempt a successful one! I had the same intentions but woke up Sunday, did a few burpees and knew a second attempt wasn’t going to change things. I am however planning to do this one again in 30 days or so.
Press 95-125-125-125-130
Note to self: Read whiteboard before workout!! Did my first few rounds with a strict press.
4 rounds + 5kbs
press, worked up to 170, tied an old PR, tried 175 too many times, should have went to 172.
6rounds and 10pp. Felt good moved steady, but could have picked it up.
Post-ran to the canal and learned about how nasty hill runs can be.
Press to 125
3rds and 9kbs Rx
Pushing myself to do more RX WOD’s
Press – worked up to 85# – felt good
WOD – 4 rounds + 4 pull ups (blue band)
Nothing like a little Hendrix during a Monday night workout.
Missin my CFNT peeps!! Went to Ohio this weekend for the ole Bridal Shower… Had a great time w Erica!
See you guys mañana!!! Back to the grind!
WOD_4 rounds + 7 push press
Press – Up to 165#
WOD – 6 Rounds + 5 KBS
This one was hard and definitely losing my grip on the KBS. Need to get back to work on my grip strength
7 rounds, subbed 50lb dumbbell for kettlebell