🌟Meet Coach Nate! Nate has been coaching for 11 years! He loves helping people learn to move their bodies well, get strong + do things they didn’t think they were capable of. When allowed the option, Nate’s favorite movements are pull-ups + deadlifts. Outside of the gym, you will find him exploring new coffee shops, sitting around + sipping coffee with friends + just generally drinking high-quality coffee ☕️. (Could this be anymore millennial? Nate’s words not ours.) Also, he loves traveling to any new city with his wife + daughter. There’s a lot of things you may not know about Nate including the fact that he met his wife at the gym in a competitors class. Oh + he feels that U2 is one of the most overrated bands ever (the person writing this agrees). He has run two sub-3 hour marathons (❗️), including the Boston. He has qualified for CrossFit regionals twice on a team. He is a full-time pharmacist, big dogs rule, AND he has the cutest baby!

Wow! Thanks for sharing Nate, those are fun facts. If you see Nick around, say hi, and perhaps don’t mention that you like U2.

To learn more about Nate check out his 73 Questions with Jared here.