I’m extremely satisfied with my results of the Paleo Challenge, however I had an extremely good time getting that classic before-picture-look. Many enjoyable hours of beer drinking and pie eating helped me have the December to Remember, which actually started in December 2010- about the time I started to work from home and on the road.
The toughest part of the challenge was getting rid of the sugar, especially pie. I woke-up on day four of the competition at night in a cold sweat, which I believe was my body missing the sugar. I have two roommates and I couldn’t throw their groceries away, so I was constantly surrounded by these sugary foods. These two roommates enjoyed harassing me with their choice in food, which are likely the exact same food choices of stoned eight-year-olds all across the United States of America. After day 6 or 7 my cravings were pretty much gone.
The highlights of doing the Paleo Challenge for me was the intense focus I had for work. I could get into a work-flow and be able to accomplish more. I racked up a fair amount of designated driver points. I forgot that without a hangover I can have productive Saturday and Sunday mornings. Long story, but I even got to explain this diet to an Amish waitress at an Amish restaurant as the “Adam and Eve kinda diet.” Also, I now look at corn-fed women differently.
Anyways, I’m 80/20 hooked on this.
Don’t trust my commas,
Joe Stuckey
Overall Weight Loss (%) – Joe Stuckey
Starting Weight- 223.4
Ending Weight – 205.4
Weight Loss – 18
Percentage Weight Loss – 8.06%
(In just 25 days)
Congratulations again Joe S. on such fine results.
A quick, little story about today’s workout. A year ago I was living in the Virgin Islands and caught the bug of CrossFit after Peter decimated me in a handful of WODS while visiting. It was a humbling moment that we have all experienced in the realm of CrossFit in one way or another. I soon began to follow the programming of CF Chicago and within my first week came across this beauty of a workout. I’m not certain which coach at CF Chicago to credit for this workout. But it is dear to my heart as it was the first CrossFit workout I ALMOSTQUIT.
I had every opportunity to walk away from this workout. I had to do the wall climbs in the basement, use a 70lb dumbbell as a kettlebell, then ascend two stories of stairs to do Knees to Elbow.
If I recall correctly, I think I even called Peter mid-workout and asked if they really did this in class. His response… “Yeah, I was done in 24:23 (rough estimate)… it was a good workout, What did you think?”
My response, “I’m in the middle of it and I’m dieing!”
52 Minutes and 21 Seconds later I was done and learned more during this workout than I ever thought I could from a workout. Never quit! Don’t let the mind trick you!
WOD 5 Rounds (Time Cap 45 Minutes) 10 Wall Climbs 20 Goblet Squats 2/1.5 Pood 25 Knee To Elbow
*If you complete this workout with time remaining in class please have a few skills in mind that you would like to work on.*]]>
15 thoughts on “Member Joe Stuckey Talks about Paleo”
I kindly named this 5 rounds o’ death and ticked off some crossbones after each round. The humor is the only thing that got me through.
32:42 with some modified wall climbs and K2Es
If the goal was to have less skin on my hands than before I started, I succeeded.
Great job 6 am.
Joe, you look fantastic!!!! Such a great job. Keep it up!
Time: 27:06
Great job to the noon class today! Everyone pushed through!
44:27 Rx’d
Just barely made it. My shoulder wasn’t feeling great, but dealt with it. I knew it wouldn’t be fun when I saw there was a 45 minute time cap. Everyone can do it though!
Bummed out that my Monday meeting is now at 8AM. That means 1 less morning to spend with the 6AM Rock Stars. But I will be back tomorrow!
Eric Moose
i know my K2E were ugly, and this was my first time working with a 2 pood (which, by the way, is HEAVY).
I should have put “do 50 wall walks” on my goals list, because i am glad to have that over with.
43:10 rx’d
tough WOD that tested my mental endurance but glad to get in under 45
Andy M
5 wall climbs
20 goblet squats 1.0
20 k2(just above the waist)
It has been great meeting everyone and the support and kind welcome is greatly appreciated.
modified to 5 WC/15 GS/20 K2E (waist level)
Josh C.
Completed 5 rounds with:
5 wall climbs (had my introduction to these beauties today).
20 goblet squats with16kg bell
20 KtoE moves up to the waist
Did a lot for my mental endurance as well as physical. Good job 4:30 class!
Jason Vanoskey
26:55 as rx’d
Had to scale my wall climbs to save my back and shoulders- still 10 reps but not flat on wall especially at the end.
This one was more mentally intimidating before the WOD than most with all those reps.
I am going to say my music tonight was well received… I hope it was at least. 🙂
If anyone saw me at the 6:30 class, this was terrible.
I finished it RX in just over 29 minutes, but got drilled by the after effects. I got really dehydrated and had a monster headache. This is the very FIRST workout I have EVER thrown up from. I did feel better afterwards haha.
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I kindly named this 5 rounds o’ death and ticked off some crossbones after each round. The humor is the only thing that got me through.
32:42 with some modified wall climbs and K2Es
If the goal was to have less skin on my hands than before I started, I succeeded.
Great job 6 am.
Joe, you look fantastic!!!! Such a great job. Keep it up!
Time: 27:06
Great job to the noon class today! Everyone pushed through!
44:27 Rx’d
Just barely made it. My shoulder wasn’t feeling great, but dealt with it. I knew it wouldn’t be fun when I saw there was a 45 minute time cap. Everyone can do it though!
Bummed out that my Monday meeting is now at 8AM. That means 1 less morning to spend with the 6AM Rock Stars. But I will be back tomorrow!
i know my K2E were ugly, and this was my first time working with a 2 pood (which, by the way, is HEAVY).
I should have put “do 50 wall walks” on my goals list, because i am glad to have that over with.
43:10 rx’d
tough WOD that tested my mental endurance but glad to get in under 45
5 wall climbs
20 goblet squats 1.0
20 k2(just above the waist)
It has been great meeting everyone and the support and kind welcome is greatly appreciated.
modified to 5 WC/15 GS/20 K2E (waist level)
Completed 5 rounds with:
5 wall climbs (had my introduction to these beauties today).
20 goblet squats with16kg bell
20 KtoE moves up to the waist
Did a lot for my mental endurance as well as physical. Good job 4:30 class!
26:55 as rx’d
Had to scale my wall climbs to save my back and shoulders- still 10 reps but not flat on wall especially at the end.
This one was more mentally intimidating before the WOD than most with all those reps.
I am going to say my music tonight was well received… I hope it was at least. 🙂
If anyone saw me at the 6:30 class, this was terrible.
I finished it RX in just over 29 minutes, but got drilled by the after effects. I got really dehydrated and had a monster headache. This is the very FIRST workout I have EVER thrown up from. I did feel better afterwards haha.
Monster workout
34:22- 1.5 GS
Made Up Today