Monday is Memorial day. The gym will ONLY be open from 10am-1pm. This means you must be DONE with your WOD by 1pm. It will be an OPEN gym format, meaning there is no scheduled class. Come in, get warmed up then tacke a Hero WOD It will be pick a Hero WOD. We will have 3-5 different HERO WODs to chose from that Jared and Peter will have on the White Board. One of them will be Murph and it does take about 1 hour to complete, so plan accordingly. We will not be coaching any new skills, we will just be helping people complete their HERO WOD. If you have any questions please ask. Also, we ware working on the PALEO Results and hope to have them done by Friday. Stay Tuned! Don’t forget Artie is still cooking, there are Artie Paleo on the Go Meals in the Fridge, don’t undo all the Hard Work and gains you just made.
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I need to do a better job remembering my time, but I think it was 18 something. I tried staying with Webby as much as I could but I couldn’t hang.
Great job everyone on this morning’s WOD.
Looking back in my CF Diary after work to see if I did this back in January.
4 months of the best coaching in Indianapolis, 40 pounds less and 4 minutes off my time. Thanks, CFNT!
I see someone picked up the positive train where I left off last week….
How else am I supposed to stand the anguish of losing one of the original 6AMers?
Again, from Islamorada and totally CrossFit addicted:
WOD: 18:01
Fun tip: used Nike+ GPS to map out 400m. Handy!
I’m impressed with your dedication!
my everything hurts. every. thing. but i can’t wait to make up tuesday tomorrow! (also totally crossfit addicted)
24:27 I think? This is one where I (thankfully) took the coaches’ advice, ignored the clock, and just kept moving. Not sure my 400s were RUNS…more like shuffles, but it’ll do.
Also, I cannot walk down my stairs right now.
15:30 RX, this was not as bad as I remember 4 months ago
Not super pleased with my end time because it is 45 sec slower than the previous attempt. However, I was able to do all my air squats in sets of 10 or more this time so that is a mini improvement. Thanks to Shannon for all her positive cheering to keep me moving!
Awesome work by my fellow 5pm group too! So happy to be back at an evening class today!
22:54 – my goal was between 22 and 23 minutes. Pretty pleased with the workout.
Oh. And my legs no longer work. So that happened.
Running is my one of my weaknesses. I think I cut off 3-4 mins off my time from last time, Jared reminded me to post my time….looking forward to doing this one again and now my time is posted
I need to keep pushing the run, but I’m happy with the improvement I’m seeing in this area.
My rowing lungs are slowly coming back:)
16:53 rx’d …1:53 faster than last time. yay!
good work sister
Forgot to post. My time was 23:05.