Twisted Fran

Shannon will be adding a new yoga class, but she wants your help on deciding the best day. Would you prefer a Saturday Yoga class, Tuesday Morning, or another weekday evening? Please let us know so we can make this happen.  

Today’s Workout:

Strength: Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 (moving up in weight in moderate intervals 5-10lbs, look for a challenging 3 reps. If the power clean becomes the limiting factor, you may come out of the rack.) WOD: Twisted Fran (CTB and running) 21 Thrusters (105/75) 21 chest to bar pull ups 400m run 15 Thrusters 15 CTB pull ups 400m run 9 Thrusters 9 CTB pull ups 400m run   Did you watch the 2012 Games Finals!!??? The last event was 3 ladies back to back to back. Elisabeth, Isabel, then FRAN! ]]>

24 thoughts on “Twisted Fran”

  1. 155# for thrusters.
    DNF Twisted Fran within the 15 min but got close. Think I was 10 seconds into my last 400m run. Goal now is to get a good kipping pullup routine.

    1. You’ll get there buddy. Your strict pull-ups are so good, you’ll be killing them in no time!

  2. 75# for thrusters.
    DNF Twisted Fran within 15 min. Should have dropped the weight, disappointed in this morning but I’ll get it done next time!

  3. Didn’t Rx it….
    Didn’t make the time cap….
    But I had a great workout , especially since my daughter was there! (she Rx it in 12:??)
    She’s my hero 🙂

  4. Had to modify due to shoulder pain. Subbed front squats for thrusters and ring rows for pull-ups. Still plenty difficult and was not able to complete under 15 time cap (15:30).
    Good work 6 am.

  5. 14:31 with modifications (green band for pull-ups, just the normal bar for thrusters).
    Jeanne – you guys were great! I was wondering who that girl was that was just crushing the workout.

  6. DNF – running is the hardest part for me. Blue Band/43# fininished all but last run. I think I had too much fun over the weekend 🙂
    Would love another Yoga class either Saturday or another evening night! Thanks Shannon!

  7. DNF twisted Fran, finished set of 9 thrusters, Rx weight… first time doing fran unbanded pullups.
    Disappointed didn’t finish, but great workout.

  8. DNF Twisted Fran, used 95lbs and made it through 2 rounds, but did not start 3rd. The pullups really killed me. I did 14 of first round on bar with green band and had to switch to ring rows for rest of workout.
    I am getting sronger.

    1. Yoga- I would prefer another weekday eveing. Monday to go with Wedneday or Tuesday and Thursday (Before or after fundamentals)

  9. 15:48 at Rx
    Finished over the time cap, but it was my first time doing 21-15-9 pull ups unbanded! I’m ready for the next FRAN 🙂

  10. Hola Amigos!
    Just a friendly reminder that it’s MONDAY! What does that mean? Well, I’m glad you asked 🙂 Monday means that there is a fresh batch of Artie’s Paleo OnTheGo in the fridge. If you are new and you’d like some info please email me at Thanks!!

  11. DNF under 15 minute… 90#’s @ 19:33 this was a tough one! Pullups killed me (using red band)

  12. I just wanted to finish this since it was my first time..21: 37 at 75lbs..14 normal pull-ups rest with red band. Killer workout.

  13. 15:00 and some change. Just started the final 400 when time ran out. Used 65lbs for thrusters.

  14. Big ol’ DNF for me (okay, I finished, but at 18:15). My wrist is sore today so after 9 banded pullups I swapped in ring rows — I’m a weenie.

  15. As rxed… 12:50…Ali pushed the hell out of me! Was the first in the gym to smack many chin on the high bar on c2b :-

  16. Hamjambo all! Thought I’d say hello from sunny and hot-as-hell Tanzania. I’ve been WOD’ing daily, but I know I’m going to get my butt kicked when I get back. (At least I hope I do!!) I miss you guys and the box the most of all. Can’t wait to see you all and share what I’ve experienced!
    Kwa herini!