Big Changes to the morning schedule!!

Starting Monday 7/30 we will no longer have a 6am class. We will have a 5:45am class and a 7am class. The overlap is to give people time to clear the parking lot. Also, the street parking in front is free until 7am so that becomes available for people coming to the 5:45am class. This is going to be a trial month for this. If it works, we will stay with it, if it does not seem to be working we may change it back. So please be patient.  

Today’s Workout:

“30-20-30” Max seated box jumps ARCHIVE MAX SEATED BOX JUMP: (February 21st, 2012) Max unbroken double unders (up to 3 attempts) or 5min of Double under technique work. (Gym Record 325reps) Max wall ball clean toss over shoulders in 1min 20/14. 2 attempts at least 3 min rest between. WOD: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 KB Swings 1.5/1 Goblet Squats      ]]>

26 thoughts on “Big Changes to the morning schedule!!”

      1. Thanks, Eileen! I’m still VERY hit or miss with these things. I’ve got a new, slightly longer rope in the mail, so hopefully that will help me out.

  1. Huge 6am class this morning. Great work by everyone.
    WOD: 6:49 as RX’ed.
    Didn’t get a chance to finish the other stuff. I’ll try to come back this afternoon.

  2. 17 med ball cleans
    3 double unders
    36″ seated box jump
    WOD:9:37 as Rx’ed
    Great 6am class everyone!

  3. Never thought I would love 6am so much!
    39.5″ seated box jump
    26 med ball cleans
    3 double unders
    WOD: 8:20 Rx’ed

      1. Thanks, Josh!
        I was hoping for at least one more inch, if not 2, but ran out of time to try again after the WOD. Next time I’m definitely clearing 40 inches!

  4. 37 DU
    30″ Box Jump
    15med ball cleans
    8:09 Rx’ed
    Today was rough…got sick before I came in for the 9:00am (maybe too much info…) but I have a point….decided to come in anyway…kept thinking about the back of a tee shirt that I read lately that said “the body dosen’t control the mind the mind controls the body”, and I decided to come in anyway….so today I almost stopped the WOD 3-4 times thinking “I can’t do it today”, and then I would remember the shirt or Shannon would walk by and say,”Pick it up, Jeanne”… my point is, I finished. It wasn’t the time I wanted, but it was the best I had to give today, and I didn’t give up. I feel good about that.

    1. great post Jeanne.
      and that is why we keep coming back. because we see results either in the mirror, emotionally, or mentally.
      because some days it is you against the clock, and other days it is you against yourself.
      nice work Jeanne.

  5. WOD: 5:59 RX’ed
    22 Med Ball Cleans
    1 DU (got my jump rope last night…hope to practice on these at home)
    27′ Jump…and some monsterous damage to my right shin.

  6. 42″ seated box jump
    23 med ball cleans
    3 double unders, then i switched to single-doubles and i got 20 in a row, which is a record.
    WOD: 4:38

  7. WOD – 6:40 Rxd
    DU – 3, did total of 100 (Single/double, single/double,….)
    Jump – 30″
    Wallball clean- 18
    Hot morning..thought I would never say it, but look forward snow.

  8. 21 med ball cleans
    13 double unders (I am finally figuring these out…slowly)
    ’36 box jump (fear kept me from adding plates)
    WOD 4:58 rx’ed

  9. So great to see all the fun box jump PR’s today. We have seen a lot of people hitting new heights! congrats to all.
    48.5″ for me (pr by 2in)
    299 double unders (pr, but really wanted 300.
    Wod 3:56. crazy fun mental battle as always.

  10. 9:08 as Rxed <– I so rarely get to say that! 🙂
    2 DUs. Need to get out of my double-single-double-single routine.
    20 wall all cleans.
    24" box jump. Making 30" my "by December" goal.

  11. 32 DU’s. Glad I could enlighten coach Martin on DU’s and bladder control ( or lack thereof) for ladies! 🙂
    33 inch max standing box jump. First time trying it. Psyched myself out of 36. Next time!
    7:00 rx’d

  12. I was able to get 28″ on seated box jump, no DU (still learning how) I did singles for most of the 5 minutes, 22 wall ball cleans over the shoulder.
    I used Russian kettle bell swing (to eye level) for the WOD, I finished in 10:10.

  13. DU- 18 (Definitely improving!)
    Cleans with med ball 20# 18 reps
    39 inch box jump
    WOD with 1.25 Blue KB 6:23 (Tough coming back from vacation over the weekend and doing that WOD.)