Monday: there are 2 hours of open gym available at both Monon (10:00-12:00pm) and Delaware (9:00-11:00am). There will be a set of hero workouts on the board available for you to take on as well as a suggested warm up if you are wanting some ideas. Give yourself plenty of time to get those workouts in as many take a bit of time. Tuesday: the first portion of the day will have a weightlifting focus to clean up some technique in your Olympic lifts. Bring your Oly shoes if you have them! The workout will be good preparation for anyone doing Bracket Buster! Wednesday: get a little gymnsaty to start the day off followed by a fun and challenging chipper! Thursday: today is another long workout with some high repetitions of some high skilled movements along with some running. Everyone will be going through a complex to warm up to prepare for the wod and get more comfortable with the movements. Friday: we will be going through a gymnastics complex along with some shoulder mobility to start the day. The workout will be a bunch of interval work for you to test your capacity, the goal will be to get faster or maintain your pace over each and every round! Saturday: Bracket Buster is here! The class workout will give you the opportunity to try out some of the Bracket Buster workouts and then head over to Delaware to watch the action and cheer everyone on! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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