Meet Andra! A long-term member dating back to the Naptown days, Andra has been a coach with Myriad for two and a half years. What Andra loves most about coaching is having time to get to know the members. Included in that, the ability to help people figure out their best way to do different movements also brings her joy. Her favorite type of movements are most anything with a barbell and attempting to walk on her hands. Outside of the gym, Andra enjoys spending time with her husband Nick (also a Myriad coach!) and two children. Cooking a great meal for friends and family is a favorite activity as well. Something fun and silly about Andra you may not know — she and her family frequently make up songs about their dogs, their cats, each other and life lessons. She says they tend to stick and will be sung for years after! Next time you take class with Andra, walk up to her and make up a song — it just might stick!