CrossFit Programming Preview : 12/12-12/18

sponsored family this week so if you would like to donate any items, please do so by Friday. If you would like to join us to shop for final gifts, please email Monday: playing around with a snatch complex today as your strength work. This will be an opportunity to work on overhead strength in a new way that will be great for anyone with limited shoulder mobility. Be smart about weight jumps today and remember to check your ego at the door. Finishing the day with a little kettle bell and core work to get your sweat on to start the week. Tuesday: More core work as an accessory piece today trying to build the foundation for everything else we do. You will be having a wonderful little date with a dumbbell today for your workout today and playing with more odd movements that we do not play with too often. Wednesday: moving through a light weight barbell complex to warm up today to get you practice on positions. This is not about speed so much as perfect movement. Take your time and try to take carry what you work on over into the actual strength piece. Your day will finish out with an Open workout (the 2017 Open is less than 75 days away). Thursday:  we will be kicking it old school down at Delaware today by performing class on the old side. Your warm up will be a fun game on the rowers and the rest of the day will involve the rower and some gymnastics skills. Pack your long socks today! Friday: your skill work today will be a mix of strength and mobility work, depending on the current state of your mobility it may turn into one more than the other. Your workout will be a mental challenge working on big sets and fighting to go unbroken. Saturday: playing with a common movement in an uncommon form as your strength work today. If you have sensitive knees, I might wear pants or knee sleeves to help you out today. Your day will finish off with a whole bunch of cardio work to finish the week of strong and sweaty. Have a fun and fit week!]]>