goal setting clinic with Shannon on this Saturday, December 10th from 2:00 to 4:00pm. In coordination with this clinic and the holiday season, we are holding a “12 days of fitness” challenge. All you have to do is set a SMART goal and write it on the white board at any of our locations, work towards that goal, and attend at least 12 classes in the month of December. If you nail all of that, then you will be entered to win a free month of unlimited membership for yourself and another entry to win a free month for a friend to try us out! Monday: squat work to start your day off today. Be prepared for your workout to be a little bit patient. Remember last year when we had a bunch of people having to lunge all over the room in week one of the Open? It will not be quite as stressful as that but we want to get you used to shuttling yourself back and forth inside just in cases that comes up again. Tuesday: switching things up with workout first today. It is always good to mix up the routine and it can be especially helpful to be warm and toasty from a workout before getting strength work started in the cold months. Wednesday: lots of posterior chain work today with both your strength and workout. I know you have all missed the kettle bell (or maybe not but it is good for you) so you will have a lovely date with a bell for your fitness today. Thursday: another day of workout first this week. Your workout will be quick and gymnasty with a few different variations with rest between each go. The day will finish out with some skill work on another gymnasty movement that we don’t spend time on too often. Today is the day to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Friday: going overhead for your strength work today. We will spend some good time during your warm up with skills and drills to feel confident in your jerk and then get after the weights. Your workout will be a quick lung burner for a sweat to finish the week off. Saturday: be sure to wear your running shoes today and prepare for whatever mother nature throws our way. You’ll be working with a partner today with a combination of running and weightlifting. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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