sign up here and join the CrossFit NapTown team to help us defend our title for the third year in a row! Monday: limited schedule today with the holiday, 10:00am and 11:00am classes at Delaware as well as an 11:00am CrossFit class up at Monon. We will be starting the day off with strength work and finishing with a chic CrossFit couplet. Tuesday: an old school open workout will be the focus of the day today. Your warm up will be length and involve movement specific mobility to get you super prepped for the day’s workout. If you have been with us a while, check out your old open scores and see if you can beat your past self today! Wednesday: today’s workout is all about going fast and lifting heavy. We will have some skill warm up that will lead into the rest of the day nicely. The main workout is a sprint followed by a lift with big rest periods in between efforts so you can go as hard as possible on each attempt. Thursday: after two days of super high intensity workouts, we will be slowing it down today. The strength work will be three different overhead movements helping you to work on being efficient in each one with lots of rounds to practice and play with great form. Your day will finish off with a skill piece for completion rather than for time. Friday: row’d royalty week one workout will be today! This workout will be released on Thursday evening and you will have a go at it today. If you want a retest, rowing club will also be taking this workout on again on Sunday at 10:00am. Saturday: we will be playing with odd objects as a warm up piece to start the day before moving into a lengthier team workout. The team workout will also involve some odd objects to build upon our warm up! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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