Monday: the week will start off right away with a little strength complex followed by an Open ish workout. I challenge you to choose a scale that is truly going to challenge you today beyond what you might usually try. If that means cutting reps back but going for a harder movement, so be it! Tuesday: your strength piece today will be a great challenger of muscular endurance which can play a big part in the Open, when being able to push through that burning in the legs is the difference between a good score and a great score! After we test endurance, we will be finishing the day off with a test of your explosive power with shorter sprint interval work. Wednesday: an older and longer Open workout will be the full focus of today. We will take a lot of time on warm up and movement prep as well as some skill work before getting after it today. Wear shoes that make you feel springy! Thursday: varying up our pulling this week with a wider grip variation that will be a good mobility piece for some and great grip work for all. Your workout will be another spin on an old Open workout with some higher skilled movements. Again, I challenge you to push yourself with the scale you choose! Friday: week 2 of Row’d Royalty coming at you today. We are so pleased with the turn out we have had on RR participation and will continue to push for that third straight title! Saturday: starting the day out with a little bro session. If you don’t know what that means, show up and find out! If you do know what that means, we will probably see you today 🙂 Your week will finish off with a combination of weightlifting and body weight work for a medium length sweat sesh. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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