Monday: getting the week going with core focused skill work. We will work on strict toes 2 bar and an exercise that will target your obliques as well as shoulder stability. We will close the day out with a leg-focused interval piece. Tuesday: The first piece of your day will be focused on perfect movement. Our workout today will be a piece that may remind you somewhat of 19.4 with a bit of extra gymnastics tossed in. Wednesday: our first portion of the day will be a long, skill-heavy, and challenging EMOM. We will close out the day with sprint bursts on the jump rope to get the heart rate back up at the end of the day! Thursday: you will spend the first part of the day on tempo strict work. You workout will be a fun triplet featuring gymnastics, cardio, and some weightlifting. Friday: the final week of the CrossFit Open and Friday night lights! You will do the workout in all classes today but we will run heats in the evenings at Monon and 922. Saturday: closing the week out with a bit of time outside with a team workout! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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