Monday: starting the day off with a strict version of a very classic CrossFit workout. We will be putting our thruster endurance from last week to the test with this workout as well as our gymnastics strength. You will finish the day out with a bit of single leg strength work. Tuesday: you will start the day out with posterior chain and core strength and stability work with a rotating EMOM. Your workout for the day is a longer triplet featuring gymnastics, a barbell, and a jump rope. Wednesday: starting the day on the barbell with Olympic lifting technique work before a spicy couplet for your workout. We will be playing with a new movement invented by Caitlin Byczko for a recent MOVE class and pairing it with the rower. Thursday: starting the day with unilateral strength and stability work before a Tabata Thursday special. You will work through 4 different movements in the Tabata fashion of :20 of work and :10 of rest for today’s main piece. Friday: week 3 of the CrossFit Open and Friday night lights. You will do the workout in all classes today but we will run heats in the evenings at Monon and 922. Saturday: closing the week out with a partner Chipper! Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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