Monday: starting the week off with some accessory work for the posterior chain before getting into the main work for the day. Your workout is a medium AMRAP with weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio work Tuesday: more accessory work for the upper body today before getting into some bro strength work. Your workout for the day is going to be a spicy interval piece with a partner where the goal is to sprint hard and get a rest while your partner goes Wednesday: the first portion of the day will be a twist on typical strength work with the focus on strength endurance rather than top end weight. Today’s work will serve as prep for a benchmark test next week! Thursday: starting the day off with Olympic Lifting technique work to lead into the workout. Your workout will feature the jump rope in between Olympic lifts to jack up the heart rate and challenge your cardio. Friday: week 2 of the CrossFit Open and Friday night lights. You will do the workout in all classes today but we will run heats in the evenings at Monon and 922. Saturday: getting another partner workout in to close out the week in the form of a longer AMRAP. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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