CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 9/30/19-10/6/19

Monday: kicking the week off with a retest of an Open workout from 2017. The 2019 Open is fast approaching and we are continuing to test old Open workouts and hit open-like movements to get you ready for this year’s test! We will start the day with a bit of accessory work and skill practice before taking on this workout. Tuesday: the Fall Full Body Challenge officially begins September 30th and today is the day for the test workout! You will do this workout this first week of the challenge and then retest it after 6 weeks to see how your fitness has progressed as you clean up your diet, work on getting more sleep, and make lifestyle changes to improve overall wellness. Wednesday: getting into strength and stability work to start the day off before hitting some quick sprint intervals. You will have short sprints followed by longer rest periods to work on keeping the intensity high today. Thursday: more strength work to get the day started, this time focusing on the lower body. We will close the day out with an open-like AMRAP triplet with the goal of moving steadily for the longer time period. Friday: we will begin our Friday with a bit of skill practice where you will have the opportunity to work where you are currently at on getting upside down. We have seen this skill in the Open in recent years so it will be a great opportunity to get in a bit of practice before we possibly see it in the coming weeks. You will close the day out with a workout full of some gymnastics and barbell skills and the jump rope sprinkled throughout. Saturday: it is wedding day for our very own kids coach Hillary Ward and member Noah Mueller! We will be working through a partner workout that the two of them came up with to help celebrate their special day. Have a fun and fit week!]]>