Monday: Beginning out day with lots of gymnastics skill work, giving you time to play with more advanced skills. Wear long pants to keep those legs safe today 🙂 You will close the day out with a heavy barbell and bodyweight couplet. Tuesday: Getting into a new strength cycle this week and kicking it off today. You will work back and forth between two movements, working on strength endurance that may feel like barbell cardio. You will close the day out with a recent main site workout with a moderate barbell and a little run. Wednesday: Working on shapes to start out your hump day, the basis of gymnastics is making great shapes to put you in the best position to complete skills. After this shape work, you will have the opportunity to put them to practice with a gymnastics heavy workout. Thursday: After more moderate length workouts and lots of skill and strength work to start the week, we will get a long steady state workout in for your Thursday. Get ready to just stay moving for 30:00 of fun. Friday: More strength cycle time to close out the work week before closing out with a sprint workout with a light barbell and some jump roping. Saturday: We are hosting a Level 1 Seminar at 922 this weekend so all classes will be run at 916 or Monon. Every class today will be a SWIFT/CrossFit hybrid, i.e. 1 hour long but all SWIFTy movements. Today is a partner workout with high reps on some gymnastics and med ball skills. Have some fun with a friend, new or old!]]>
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