CrossFit Weekly Programming Preview : 9/8/18 – 9/14/18

Monday: happy anniversary NapTown! We are hitting up a fun NapTown themed benchmark today with the long chipper in honor of our first space on 609 Delaware. Tuesday: after a long workout on Monday, we are getting into strength work to begin the day. After that, we will finish with a fast sprint workout with a short run and some light weightlifting. Wednesday: More strength work to begin hump day with 5s on a squat and press variation. Finishing out our day with a mid length couplet to keep the variety going all week long. Thursday: beginning our Thursday with some skill work by getting upside down and strengthening our under utilized lats. We will close our day out with a simple but grueling partner workout with a variation of the burpee. Friday: marching on through the Fall Full Body Challenge with week 2 of your workouts. This week will be on the box and bike for a leg smashing couplet. Saturday: All classes will be held at Monon or 916 over the weekend with the Level 1 begin held at 922. your workout this weekend will be with a partner or group of people with lots of gymnastics fun and short running intervals. Have a fun and fit week!]]>