Monday: sticking with benchmark Monday this week as we keep moving through this year’s open workouts. We will be doing 18.2 with a small twist to how it was run this spring. Come ready to squat and lift some heavy barbells! Tuesday: strength work to start your Tuesday off this time with bench press and sumo deadlifts. We are dropping back down in reps from 7s to 5s this week as well. You will close the day out on a gymnastics and rowing triplet working on strict movements and powerful rowing. Wednesday: getting our day started with cardio and nasal breathing! We will finish the day on a solo version of one of this year’s team series workouts. Bring your jump ropes… Thursday: working Olympic Lifting technique to begin the day, focusing on the split jerk. After this heavy work, you will close out the hour with a partner workout combining core work and cardio sprints. Friday: closing the week out with the fall full body challenge test number 1! This is a repeat of our benchmark workout from last year. Come to check in on how you have improved in a year and set a baseline to improve upon in 4 weeks. Saturday: finishing our week of fitness out on a long amrap. We will get outside to enjoy the last weeks of warm ish weather before we are cooped up indoors and throwing some heavy weight around!]]>
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