AGILITY LADDER Death by Regular Pushup / Handstand Pushup Do the number of reps as corresponds with the time. 1 Rep of Regular Pushup / Handstand Pushup – 1st Minute 2 Reps of Regular Pushup / Handstand Pushup- 2nd Minute 3 Reps of Regular Pushup / Handstand Pushup- 3rd minute… PROWLER? AKA the Butcher
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Warmup: Agility – lots of fun!
WOD: 4 complete rounds + 3
Post: Prowler- this got tough towards the end- my legs are definitely feeling this one.
Always enjoy beginning my Saturday with a CFNT workout!
The prowler smoked me! Good times!
The agility stuff took me back to my high school basketball days. So much fun! I can’t wait to conquer the handstand pushups, and the Prowler was a beast! Ditto on those jell-o legs, Merritt!
Fun day. Just wish I could come in more often!
7 rounds of hand stand push ups with 2 ab mats.
9 Rds + 3 HSPU’s with a 25lb weight and an ab mat
The Prowler was brutal today but a nice change of pace!
8 rounds + 8 reps w a 25 pound plate and a mat. I want to thank you for taking us outside and allowing me to have a high school experience!! That thing was rough but it was a great start to a Saturday!!