Counting Reps Wednesdays

Today’s Workout:

10 minutes of skill work or 3 rounds NOT FOR TIME! ***if you do not know how to Snatch you will be learning this at this time** 6 handstand push ups 1 rope climb *** rope climbs will not be taught today (sub 3 strict pull ups for 1 rope climb) 6 box jumps 33/27 (add a 45lb plate to a 30in or 24in box)

CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.1

10 min amrap 30 double unders 15 power snatch (75/55)

Archive: November 30th, 2011 Post: If time permits and on your own; 3 attempts to get max distance in 10 pulls on rower about 1 min rest between sets]]>

30 thoughts on “Counting Reps Wednesdays”

  1. 2 rounds + 1 Power Snatch. I’ll take it for now since its the most DU’s I’ve ever done. Still need to work on it though.

  2. Shout out to the 5:45 class (espcially Nick) for encouraging me to get the 24″ box jump! 1st time feels so good. 🙂
    3 rounds + 9 clean and jerks

  3. 3 rounds + 13 Power Snatch as RX’ed
    (Sooo close to finishing my 4th round).
    thanks to Mike for counting.
    last time, on 11/30/2011: My d/u’s were modified to 15/round, and PS with 65#s
    back then i got 2 rounds, plus 7 d/u’s
    (thanks to Josh for the link)

  4. 2 rounds + 3 snatches. Did a mix of snatches & clean and jerks. DU’s really slowed me down but I’m glad I kept at them.

  5. 1 round + 15 D/Us
    On the positive side, I did my 1st full rope climb… and I have identified my new nemesis– Double unders! I will break through these soon….

  6. 2 rounds + 10 snatches
    Started with 15 DUs the 1st round and then decided to do 30 for the rest of the time.

  7. 2 rounds + 24 DUs. Should’ve gone a touch heavier on the snatches I think. Went with 35# but probably could’ve handled 40 or 45#.

  8. 3 rounds plus 4 double understand as Rx’d – and afterwards did my first ever pull-up with just the red band! Yay!

  9. So HAPPY to be back- I missed CFNT!!!(Two weeks out is too long)
    3 rounds -motified DU with singles 3 to 1 ratio