Today’s Workout:
Base Line
500m row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
OHS technique review
Warm up weights then: 5-3-1-1-1-1
Post: if time permits: 5 minutes of jump rope with as few misses as possible
Thanks to our friends at CrossFit Impulse for this great advice on how often should you Rest and CrossFit.
How Often Should I CrossFit?
click here for more info—->
Considering all of those factors, what is right for you? While only you can fully answer that, here are some general tips and examples:
Start with the 3-on/1-off standard and adjust from there.
If you go more than 3 days on then realize your intensity will suffer. More than 4 days on is probably not a good idea. However, some people go 5 days on during the work week and then take the weekend off. I think you would actually get better results by inserting a rest day in the middle of the work week to allow for recovery and then more effective work thereafter.
If you don’t get adequate rest or if you have poor nutrition, think about reducing your load to 2-on/1-off. However, reducing your frequency means you must keep the intensity high during each workout for optimal effect.
1-on/1-off is only very effective for the complete novice. If that’s you, that’s OK. Nobody emerged from the womb with a 3-minute Fran. If you’re new to exercise, very deconditioned, or overweight then you may want to go 1-on/1-off for 2-10 weeks until you build the capacity to go 2-on/1-off without debilitating soreness.
Advanced athletes may want to add skill, strength, or sport-specific workouts to their regular CrossFit regimen. This is best done by adding the additional workout at the opposite time of day as an existing workout, which allows for some recovery during the day. Many athletes have had great success with morning and afternoon workouts with work/school/daily life inbetween. Rest is still important when programming with this model, but an advanced athlete might sometimes reduce his rest day to an “active rest” day. This means that instead of complete rest the athlete would participate in a short and/or light workout that does not substantially tax his body. This maintains neuro-muscular pathways.
However, for life-long fitness I recommend everyone take at least one day of complete rest each week. Lofty ambitions and competitive goals are good, but not if you irreparably break yourself trying to achieve them.]]>
6:21 baseline (8:50 in July)
125# OHS
5:43 baseline
105# OHS 1 rep max
15-Mar-2012 7:28 Green Band
14-May-2012 5:49 Blue Band
04-Sept-2012 5:25 Blue Band
I think 4 days of holiday ‘carb loading’ really helped my Baseline today. haha
Very happy to see my progress!
Great 5:45 am class!
OHS 175 or 180 (PR)
3:59 on May 14th.
Note to Coaches – can you post a link in today’s post to any other days when baseline was part of the WOD?
Moose-I just did a search in the search bar and it brought up both days easy. We try to make this easier for you….
5:40 baseline
105# OHS
Felt great this morning!
3:47 baseline
250# OHS
Great to have my old friend Cameron come in for a WOD; great work bro.
4:53 baseline
OHS 1RM PR: #115
last baseline in may was 4:48 wih a red band, so i’ll consider today a success!
4:53 baseline
OHS 1RM PR: #115
last baseline in may was 4:48 wih a red band, so i’ll consider today a success!
6:10 baseline no bands
The last time I did this was my 1st workout at nap town and it was 8’50ish with green band. Since march, the progress has been slow and steady and I could not be happier with the changes I have seen in my strength, endurance, and mental attitude. This was a great way to start the day! Other than the 9 burpee’s for being a few minutes late this morning :p
OHS 1RM– 115#
2/25/12 – 10:38 (green and blue banded)
5/14/12 – 6:32 (green band only)
9/2/12 – 7:02 (blue band only) – longer but I’ll take the extra strength.
OHS – 105# (and a bump on the head.)
Last baseline in may 5:47
Almost a whole minute!
140 for OHS
Wait. That is over a minute. Duh!
Baseline @ 4:42
OHS at 155#.
Finished off with some double-Unders. Still not where I want it but I can feel its getting better
3:57 on the baseline
235 ohs (Pr)
I think mine was 6:24, which is a big improvement (2 minutes, 20 seconds) from my first baseline back on July 5 (8:44). I bumped up from the green to the blue band, but I’m still modifying pushups. Happy with progress!!
6:23 baseline
Last time used blue band for pu
This time used red band
78# OHS (pr) thanks to Shannon’s great coaching 🙂
4:54 baseline (1 min improvement/no bands)
135 OHS PR – could’ve gone heavier ran out of time
Weird as this is 1st time doing baseline…5:37 Rxd.
Next time OHS, next time.
3:50 baseline. I have coached this 100 a times and know that it is only 40 air squats, but I did 50 oops.
255lb over head squat tied a PR.
275 behind the back jerk to over head!! Did not get the squat, but really excited about this Jerk PR.
6:29 baseline. Still scaled with a green band and pushups from my knees. <– I'm getting tired of writing that so its going to need to change!
50# OHS which I believe is a 15# PR for me.
Baseline: 4:36
Pretty sure that knocks of about 4 minutes from my first baseline back in February.
OHS: 135
baseline 5:52 very proud of myself, some things were scaled for me but still I thought I would not get under 13 again very happy with result, thanks coaches, Jared, Peter, and Shannon
3:39 on the Baseline.
Interesting that this is the my first WOD back at CFNT after a few weeks away. When I was traveling I did “Tabata This” probably 3 times because it’s easy to do when you don’t have a gym. It’s like I was training to do this baseline. … Peter would’ve beat me if he could remember the rep scheme. 😉
175# on OHS. Considerably lower than my PR but probably a good stopping point since I haven’t been lifting at all. A good reminder to get back to focusing on Oly and Overhead lifts in general.
Baseline: 5:04 with no band, was around 7 min the first time with red band
95# OHS, PR
Baseline: 6:35
OHS: 85
8:11 Baseline RXed!!!
No knees, No Bands
24-May 7:10 baseline
04-Sep 6:19 baseline
OHS, still working on shoulder mobility with a light bar.
6:02 baseline with regular pushups and a blue band pull ups
Overhead squats 95#
5:12 baseline as Rx’d