CFNT 6 Month Anniversary 2012 Reebok CrossFit Open Games Celebration 2-year Lease Extension OPEN HOUSE Open to Friends and Family of all Members. Come hang out for an afternoon and show your family what CrossFit is all about and the amazing community you all have created. PLEASE RSVP to info@crossfitnaptown with the following by Tonight: 1) Member Attending 2) Guests Attending: Family or Friends 3) Of those Guests how many and who will be participating in the WODs. (all WODs will be scalable for all ages and genders and teams will be separated equally) 4) If you choose to bring a dish or contribute to the feast please let us know what you plan to bring so we don’t have triples of everything. Amazing Spread and Setup for the Grand Opening… Let’s have even more for the 6 Month Anniversary!!! All information below is subject to change due to weather and number of RSVP’s recieved. TEAMS You must RSVP by March Tonight so we can set up teams in advance. The sooner the better. RSVP to 2 Males/2 Females Per Team, we will determine teams for you, so no need to try and do it on your own. PARTICPANTS: Members, Friends, and Family. TIME WOD 1 Starting Time – 11AM Food and celebration will follow conclusion of WOD’s (around 12:30PM-1PM) PLEASE Arrive 15 Minutes before WOD 1 and be warmed up. COMPETITION Format (this is subject to change upon receipt of RSVP’s) WOD 1 – Regular WOD (All 4 Members) (to be announced day of event) WOD 2 – Butcher/Tire Flip format TBD WOD 3 – Surprise WOD 1 (All 4 members) WOD 4 – Surprise WOD 2 (2 Members) FOOD We are hoping to have a grill on site for cooking purposes. Food dishes are highly encouraged. Paleo Options will be available and are also encouraged! Simply put, the more food the better! AGENDA We will be celebrating our 6 Month Anniversary, the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Open Games Conclusion Celebration (and those athlete who competed), and our finalization of being located at 609 N. Delaware for 2 more years (this is good news!).]]>
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Work on squats at 275#, but wasn’t hitting full depth. Either an off day, or I just need to refocus on form and not worry about the weight so much.
WOD: 14:59 as RX’ed. Those 30″ Box jumps are a killer!
165# squats
16:52 for the WOD. Those pull-ups really slowed me down since there isn’t really a kip in my pull-ups.
YAY for Noon WODs!! Thank you to my fabulous fellow Noon peeps- Rachel, Paige, and Brent for being so much fun in the middle of my day!
Intro_ Back Squats @105#
WOD_11:38 (red band on pullups/24″box jump)
Totally forgot about the 400m run at the end, so my time includes some cheering and a drink break. oops.
Ooo..I think i like this on for tomorrow!
back squats @ 235
WOD: 10:59
Back Squat 3x 275#
WOD 8:31 If I am not mistaken
Yup, that was as fun as I thought it would be.
Didn’t work up to very heavy on my back squats, need to get my 1RM.
Back squat – 170#
WOD : 15:12
Pull ups – red band
Box jumps – 24″ box