2012 Reebok CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.4 RECAP (photos will be posted on facebook today) Congratulations to Jen B. for completing 4 Muscle Ups during the workout! Congratulations to all the ladies who stepped up and used the 14# Wall Ball for the first time ever. The great thing about the CrossFit Open is the fact that it forces you to reach new goals!!! Amazing job! Congratulations to Michael E. and Dustin K. for getting their first Muscle Ups!!! Congratulations to everyone for once again being awesome!! One more WOD left!! Standings after WOD 12.4 TEAM – 6th Place Anna R. – 17th Elyse M. – 54th Jen B. – 72nd Jared C. – 27th Peter B. – 36th Jared B. – 38th Jason V. – 44th
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Today is strictly a Strength Day. You have the entire class period to reach your 1 Rep Bench Press Max as well as working through heavy Deadlifts.
Fill out the form below to get started
Take the first step towards getting the results that you want by booking a free consultation to discuss a plan that works for you!
Oh man! I missed the heavy lifting. Thursday I know what I will be doing.
bench press: 205 (failed at 210),
last time was 195 on 01/20/2012
Deadlift: 325
last time was 310 on 11/21/2011
I did not have a failure rep, so next time I should be able to go heavier
255lbs on bench (should do more. I made too big of a jump
470lbs on deadlift…it felt good…and like Peter said, I’m saving some for next time
160 for the bench press. I made a big jump up so I had to back it down. I’ll have to try it again another time.
245 for the deadlift. My form still needs some work. I wonder if I could have gone up another 15# or so if my form was consistent.
My first crossfit workout! (many thanks to Shannon for taking on Jennie and I…)
Bench: 80lbs
Dead lift: 120lbs
Looking forward to my second class!!
Great Job tonight Jena!
Maybe it was all a trick when I told you two to come back on Monday 😉
Deadlift_Max @225# PR (significant leap in weight from the last time I wrote down my max which was 145#) Thanks to Moises for jumping up my weight and for the technique chat.
Bench Press_ Max @75# (not actually my best attempt but ran out of time and just settled for this weight)
Benchpress Max- 88 lbs.
Dead Lift Max- 205 lbs. (thanks to encouragement from my partner Leslie G. and Coach Peter)
DL: PR @ 153#
BP: 65#
Bench- 210
Deadlift- 305
Both PR. Really like the increases each week
Bench Press: 95-105-115-135-140-145
Deadlift: 95-125-155-215-215-215-225-235.5
Great Job Megan! I knew you would be amazing with the heavy weight tonight- your staring BP weight was more than my final… hahaha
Thanks Merritt!
You KILLEDDD it on deadlift!! Congrats!!!
See you tonight at 6 – reunion!! 🙂
Bench – 225 (PR) had to go down after first set to 220
Deadlift – 285
Bench – 185
Deadlift – 245 (probably could have added 10lbs more but technique started fading.)
BP-up to #95
DL-up to #135
both PRs, but my DL form still needs work, confirmed by my sore back!