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33:30 as RX’ed
That was a quick one eh?
RX’d. Around 40 minutes. I stopped after round 4. But then finished it with Dave. Who needs to be to work on time?
My wall balls accuracy is finally stopping my multiple NO REPS, now I just have to work on my endurance.
Thanks Liz for the kick in the butt this morning!!!
I got your back yo!
And you owe me a beer!
But I only drink wine.
So that will do.
Time – 28:48
Oh my gosh! First workout in a long time I wanted to keel over before I finished. Good job 9am’ers!
yup, that was fun and tough. 26:06.
it’s a tough one, but don’t stop and you’ll be fine.
even if you think you can’t do any more during rounds 2 or 3, rounds 4 and 5 start to feel easy (or that, or it’s because you lost all blood flow to your brain). either way, you’ll finish.
I agree with Eric pretty strongly. I think the 4th/5th rounds of box jumps weren’t too grueling, but it’s probably because I couldn’t feel my legs at that point.
that was BRUTAL! thanks for the push when i needed it, jared & fellow nooners.
i used a #12wb instead of a #14…a decision i do not regret one bit 🙂
37 and ? Rx’d—- Holy crap that was a doosy!!! Great job to the 5pm class and an awesome performance from Ben Schlegal!!!
43:06 with 12# wall ball
dang that was rough…2nd round into the 3rd was definitely the hardest mentally…after that I kind of just resigned myself to the fact that it wasn’t over until it was over.
20″ box jumps
38:27 Rx’d
Weakness: box jumps. These took most of the time for me. Biggest WOD challenge mentally in a while and running has never felt so grueling. Loved it!
My body is so exhausted. Kelly was rough, even scaled.
I had grand plans for getting up early this morning for work…ended up just sleeping like 9+ hours…
Tough workout. Just when legs recovered from Sat’s WOD. 40:50? Rx’d
39’10” Rx’d – running right after wall balls was physically difficult, WOD as a whole proved much larger mental challenge.
So happy to check Kelly off my CF list! Today was intense.
WOD_28:30? I will have to check and confirm that time. Post WOD I wasn’t too attentive.
Official WOD Kelly Time = 28:36
That WOD was insane — 29:15
Some pretty great times all around, you guys did great. Simply finishing this one was a victory for me.
Kelly is just a slew of bad words. 38:52 – scaled 10# wb and 12″ box. I’m scared of box jumps. Made this WOD up on 3.22.
32ish minutes with major modifications. Subbed medicine ball squats for the wall balls & used a 16″ box.
That was the longest 32 minutes of my life! Pretty pumped that I managed all 150 box jumps though.
WOD – 38:54 Rx’d
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