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4 rds
5 hang power cleans
115/65 or 60% of your 1 rm
10 Thrusters
same weight
15 situps
Post WOD:
8 min jump rope work
singles, criss cross, backwards, double undersAdd time to comment section
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Fun day today out near the Veteran’s Memorial.
Time: 6:04 rx’d
I am really enjoying doing WOD’s around the city. please reach out to us if you would like to join.
Great work to Christy and Martin learning the movements and fighting through the pain.
Scaled tremendously.
The constant bending of the wrists made me nervous to go with too much load on the bar. So I went with 65# on the bar and wore my 25# weight vests to add more load on the body but not on the wrists. This made things interesting for the situps but didn’t affect me much on the hang cleans. Obviously it made the Thruster much more difficult.
Overall, a good “day after rowing 5000M WOD.” I was able to finish at 5:47 but would have certainly taken much longer with the RX’ed weight on the bar.
Finished in 8 minutes even, with 75lbs on the bar. I’m not too disappointed. I was trying to pace myself as well as make sure I never had to put the bar down. I was also focusing on my form, and I need to work on my range of motion, but really not upset.
Time – 7:25
I used a 35lb bar and really started to feel the weight on the third round when my legs started shaking. I tried to make up time during the situps portion. Overall, not a bad day. I need to work on my full range of motion and really popping the bar up in a fluid motion.