Happy Valentine's Day/Fundamentals class next week

22 thoughts on “Happy Valentine's Day/Fundamentals class next week”

  1. That was a fun one. Well kind of, ok not really.
    93# Jerk (in case you are keeping track that is a 20# increase for me!) My goal=catch up to Nikita!
    165 reps. My new mental challenge-dumbbell thrusters-you guys are going down.
    A Valentine to the WOD
    Won’t you be my Valentine?
    Just have to beat me to that line.
    5 sprints down, and 5 sprints back
    Then KB swings, you better keep track
    After that another run
    Keep it up, you’re nearly done
    Just some thrusters and to the wall
    For some sit-ups with a medicine ball
    3 rounds and then you’re done
    Time to start the VALENTIN’S DAY FUN!

    1. Nice, Liz! I like it. Also, you and Nikita dominated those jerks today. Good work blasting your former PR out of the water by 20 lbs. You made it look so natural, I wouldn’t have guessed it was your first time at that weight.

    1. Fundamental classes do not count against your membership (at least not yet 🙂 …
      And they are approximately one hour long, depending on how much needs to be covered for that class.

    1. Thanks! You are all my inspiration.
      Now can someone help me get off this chocolate wagon and back on the Paleo Path? I need some assistance!

      1. Just eat a ridiculous amount of beef jerky, and you won’t have room for the chocolate. I made 5 lbs of beef into jerky 2 days ago, and it’s almost gone….

  2. Holy moly that was a toughie! 170 points using 10# dumbbells, the yellow kettlebell, and the 10# ball.
    Just worked with the bar on jerks, but got a couple that felt good.
    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

  3. 134 reps on the WOD w 35lb thrusters, 1.5p swings and 20lb WB’s…
    That was definitely an endurance tester for me… I really like the lengthy workouts that push us at multiple stations!!!

  4. jerked 75-95-135-155-175
    150 reps not rx’d ….attempted 35lb thrusters but had to go down to 20lb, rx’d swings/wbs