Open WOD 12.2 is…

Today’s Workout Strength-Sumo Dead lift 4×3 WOD-10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 power clean 115/85 push ups (hand release) Post-100 banded good mornings]]>

18 thoughts on “Open WOD 12.2 is…”

  1. 6:59 as RX’ed.
    My only hope for tonight’s workout is NO Muscle-ups.
    If I had to guess I would say 10 minute AMRAP of a couple or triplet with pull-ups involved.

  2. Don’t forget!
    Starting MONDAY MARCH 5th we will be going to these class hours:
    6am, 9am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
    6am, 9am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm, (6pm: will be a Weekly Fundamentals class) It will incorporate 2-3 different movements each week rotating movements each week. This is a free class to all members, there will not be a WOD involved during this class.
    6am, 9am, Noon, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm
    Note: we will not be having a 7pm class on Thursdays and Fridays as of now.
    Saturday and Sunday will remain the same.

  3. sumo dead lifted with the big fat weights for the first time ever @ #123!!! (thanks peter!)
    WOD: #63 7:21
    such a great class on such a beautiful day!

  4. 315, 335, 355, 375 on Sumo Deadlifts
    Rx’d WOD at 5:38
    Definitely my type of work out…went at a nice pace so I’m happy with it

  5. 6:04 Rx
    Afterwards, I made it to New York Street before having to pull over and throw up in front of a poor lady and her kids. Phew.
    I’m better now.

  6. Sumo DL: 315-345-365-405
    WOD: 5’30” RX (first RX WOD for me)
    Great atmosphere in the box tonight…great times.

  7. Sumo Deadlift up to 143#
    WOD: 10:11 Rx. Those power cleans got heavy, but I’m glad I pushed through it at the prescribed weight and did all my pushups without scaling to my knees. I need to work on those, though. It doesn’t seem like they are improving as much as other things. Thanks for all the support and cheering tonight; that’s what got me through:)

  8. Nice work everyone today! How fun is it to have the garage open and your community cheering you on!?
    I can’t wait to try this WOD tomorrow, had to take a rest day today. I did hit my Sumo Dead Lift PR last week at 473#’s.

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