
Keep Posting on the Blog and recording your scores/times. You may not realize the importance of documenting your performances now, but months down the line you will love seeing the improvements!!! Power Clean Technique WOD AMRAP – Score= Total Reps 5 min- Rowing (record Calories) 4 min- Wall Balls (20/16) 3 min- KB Swings (1.5/1 pood) 2 min – Power Cleans (95/65) 1Min- Pull Ups Post- Mobility/Foam Rolling/Lacrosse Ball Rolling]]>

11 thoughts on “…GO!”

  1. Great early workout this morning guys! I didn’t even mind my one Burpee punishment for being late…I mean come on, it was 6am! 🙂
    If I remember correctly (it was early!), I had 156 reps. Still working but seeing improvement already!
    I’m sure you guys have already heard this, but Jared and Peter, you are AWESOME coaches! Really! Even when you make me do a late Burpee or two! See you bright and early on Friday…at 6:00 sharp.

  2. 184
    Rowing was nice and steady…have to push myself a little harder…took too long of a break before starting each new movement

  3. Giving my shoulder a break from any movements overhead. Working on rowing this week.
    Rowing Challenge
    8x500M w/ 1 Min of Rest as Interval
    Time: 13:53.1
    Avg Pace: 1:44.1

  4. Two-a-day-
    Gave Martin C. 3 minutes to make a workout for me and Peter. Time Domain had to be under 40 Minutes. He came up with the following.
    1000M Row
    In order: Push Ups, Sit Ups, Air Squats.
    Complete 40,40,40,30,30,30 etc…)
    1000M Row
    Time: 16:10
    Notes: Used an Ab Mat for situps. First time using an Ab Mat and definitely a difference. Not sure if I like it yet.

  5. Total – 165
    Wall balls, how I love you! Although, I do think the KB swings were the hardest part of this workout for me.