Where your Halloween Costume to the box today!!!
(As long as you can do Burpees in it!)
[caption id="attachment_909" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tubbs (Martin C.) and Crockett (Coach Jared) MIAMI VICE"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_905" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="BURPEES!!! around the circle for 275 "Likes" on Facebook. MEMBERS... what can the challenge be if we get 500 "Likes" by Friday?!?!?!"][/caption] Back Squat Advanced 5×4 @ 88% Intermediate 4×5 @ 77% WOD Fran’s Ugly Twin Sister – For those who don’t know, “Fran” is one of the premier benchmark WODs in the world of CrossFit. (21, 15, 9 – Thrusters/PullUps) However, to keep things on a friendly basis we will be introducing her in a slow progression. So today, we meet… “Bodyweight Fran” 21-15-9 Burpees Pull Ups POST- Post 3×8 Ring Dips (Partition as needed)]]>
4×5 (intermediate) @ 275# (was sick all weekend) 4,5,5,5
Bodyweight Fran: 2:41 as rx’d
Ring Dips 8,8,21 (start with MU)
Back Squats…4×5 @ 77%
First Set – 90lbs
Others – 85 lbs
WOD Time: 8:01
Worked on squat technique, no weight.
12-9-6 10:37
Back Squat 4×5 @83 lbs. 5-5-5-5
Bodyweight Fran 21-15-9 (Burpee+PullUps) Time: 5:27
Post 3×8 Ring Dips- impossible for me!
back squat 5 by 4 at 180 lbs
fran: 3:53 rx’d
i plan on pulling a double tomorrow if you want to cook up something for me to do…this may not be the wisest thing ive asked in my life however seeing as you just discovered one of my huge weaknesses
4×5 255lbs back squats
8:47 WOD
I still hate burpees…but starting t string pull ups together