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10 Min Amrap
15 Power Snatches/ground to over head (75#/55#)
30 Double Unders
POST: Weighted Lunges
5×20 45#/25#
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6rds + 10 double unders. I did this back in March for the Open Competition, but for that it was Double Unders first, then snatch and got 7rds and 1 double under. I am not sure if doing in reverse made a difference or not.
6 Rounds + 12 Ground to Overheads
I believe only 3 rounds and 2 ground to overheads? Peter believes it was 4…either way, it took me some time to get back into the double unders, and I think I would have had more success if I broke my ground to over heads in to sets when I started to tire
4 Rounds + 4 Power Snatches
I used a 33lb bar and only did 10 Double Unders per round. Still struggling to get the hang of my Double Unders but was able to string 3-4 in a row at times.