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Front Squat
push up
LADDER: do 1 of each to start, then on the 1 min mark do 2 of each, then on the 2 min mark do 3 of each, then on the 3 min mark do 4 of each until you can not complete a full round in the minuteThe first front squat of each round starts with a power clean to get the bar into the rack position. If you set the bar down during a round, you must power clean it back up to the rack position again.
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What are the Rx’ed (prescribed) weights for this workout?
135/95 ???
The RX weights are 135/85
10 rds + 11 front squats rx’d
my legs got burned quick on this one.
First few rounds are social rounds, then you realize work must be done. Overall a pretty fun workout. Careful, the push ups can sneak up on you too.
Scaled this workout. My wrists is still no where close to being healed but I couldn’t resist trying this one.
Went super light with 55#s.
13rds + 4 Push Ups.
I made it all the way through 13Rds and had about 5 seconds to start round 14. Made it through the 14 Front Squats but time ran out during the push ups. Push ups slowed down during rounds 12-14.
Awesome WOD and can’t wait to try this one Rx’ed when I’m healed up.
First work out was a learning experience…that’s fine…excited to keep going…I can’t wait to see how I feel at the end of the month
Martin, great to have you out today. You did the WOD we did on 8/22/11. How many rounds did you get in the AMRAP?
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