Jump Rope Technique WOD 100 Single Jumps (100 Double Unders RX’ed +) 50 Russian KB Swings (2/1.5) 100 Backward Jumps 25 Hollow Rocks 100 Single Jumps (100 Double Unders RX’ed +) POST: Consecutive Double Unders/Double Unders for Time]]>
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This one looks CRAZY!
If by Crazy you mean Crazy FUN, then, yes it is. Bring your jumping shoes with you today!!! (excited to see the new inov-8 puppies)
Bring Warm Clothes and Running Shoes tomorrow. Part of the SURPRISE WOD will be outside.
Time – 6:24
Worked on my double unders afterwards and got 19 in a row! Progressing slowly.