NapTown @ Home 5/23/20

Every 5:00 x 6


  • 30 Good Mornings
  • 60 Russian Twists
  • 30′ Handstand Walk/Shoulder Taps
  • 60 Double Unders/Jumps


  • 30 KB Swings
  • 60 Russian Twists
  • 30′ Handstand Walk/Shoulder Taps
  • 60 Double Unders/Jumps

Today’s workout is 6 rounds of work performed every 5:00. The goal is to work for 3-5 minutes and rest until the next interval begins. Try to make this as intense as possible while you are working to earn your rest!

The first scaling option is to decrease the amount of work you are doing every 5:00. You can reduce the reps of all or some or just one of the movements to make it easier to finish within the 5:00 time frame.

The Russian twists can be performed with your feet on the floor to make the twists easier.

The shoulder taps can be performed from the knees or by just shifting your weight rather than performing a full shoulder tap.

The double unders can be scaled back to a set amount of time to practice the skill, to attempts at double unders, or single jumps, or penguin pats if you do not have a rope.
This workout can be made harder by using increasing the reps or work on some or all of the movements.

Fitness Schedule

Yoga Schedule

Helpful links:

You can view the most up to date schedule and sign into class through Pike13! Pike13 will send you a link to the class once you pre-register!

All 4PM Public Fitness classes can be accessed here!