starting our week off with a long AMRAP that will get us outside to enjoy some lovely weather to start the week. Your running will be paired with gymnastics and barbell work inside.
starting the day off with some squatting strength work. We will be pairing that with one of the new benchmark workouts that combines barbell cycling with burpees in a spicy little couplet.
loading our day up with accessory work for our shoulders, posterior chain, and core. Your workout will be multiple rounds of fast intervals with rest in between to keep your intensity up for each repeat.
working on the barbell to begin our Thursday, working up to a heavy single on an olympic lift. Our workout will be a rotating EMOM featuring some cardio, explosive work, and barbell cycling.
working on some pressing strength to get the end of the week kicked off right! Your workout will be a chipper working with the jump rope and some bodyweight work for a fun and sweaty end to the week.
working on some sprint work to begin your weekend with lots of rest to keep your intensity high. Our workout will use the rower again along with a moderately heavy barbell, wall balls, and gymnastics work.