Reminder-we are closed this weekend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for Regionals. On Thursday we will not have Fundamentals or an Intro Class.
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Fun skill set today!
225# hold for 0:45
WoD: 9 rounds + 10 Air Squats. A tough one, but keep pushing through!
3 rounds
2 rope climbs
3x30sec planks
bar hold 225# – 20sec on 1st, 26sec on 2nd, and 22sec on 3rd
RXed – 10 rounds even
3 rds of 2 rope climbs, different plank holds, and 225 bar hold. i was not impressed with my ability on the bar hold (i didn’t time it).
WOD: 9 rounds plus 12 push press
Made it farther up the rope today than ever! That white flag is mine!
195# max hold was :58
Plank hold power!
6 rounds + 2 push presses.
Although I think I might have only done 5 rounds. But my hash marks said 6. Can we check the video? 😉
I’m pretty sure Coach Jared was keeping track of everyone at once, so you could have asked him. “What rep/round am I on!?” is his favorite question…it would have made his day!
Next time this WOD comes out I will just have to rock out 8 rounds!
I didn’t use the mix grip on the deadlift hold to work on my grip strength, did 3 rounds of 30 seconds.
Did 9 rounds plus 8 push-ups and really stressed technique. I went slower to make sure I was doing the movements right.
9 rounds + 5 pushups rx’ed!
today’s WOD was a nice ‘pick-me-up’ after yesterday’s row/run torture.
looking forward to the shannon & martin show tomorrow!!!
5 Rounds – 10 Air Squats
(scaled 55# bar)
That was tougher than I expected. My right shoulder was really giving me a hard time on that Push Press.
First attempts at rope climbs today! I’m officially adding this to my list of things I ‘m determined to conquer(hah, right after pullups and those horrid wall balls).
Deadlift hold at 135# – first try was 1:20ish. I got serious about it on the 2nd and 3rd tries though and made it to 2:00 both times(mostly because I was standing behind Butch, who was making 225# look ridiculously easy and that made me think I should be trying a little harder).
WOD: 8 rds + 6 pushups
Thanks for saying that I made it look easy! I can tell you holding 225 for 2 minutes was not easy. Good Job on the 2nd and 3rd attempt! Way to push yourself!
8 rounds + 5 push ups Rx’d
Good luck this weekend everyone!
2 failed rope climbs <– I really need to work on these so I stop getting flustered when I try to go up.
Dead lift holds = made it to 125# and held on for 30 seconds.
6 rounds + 3 push presses with the 25# bar
Made it farther up the rope than ever before! Still only a few feet or so off the ground, but that’s progress!
DL holds – 135#, 40s max
5 rounds + 1 push press (45#)
Rope climbs: managed to hold myself and swing for like 5 seconds. This is a marked improvement in my rope skills ability!
Deadlift: 225# 52seconds and 30 seconds; 1 round at 135# at I think 2 minutes
6 rounds and 10 push presses
55# push presses and modified push-ups on my knees to work on push-up form; still trying to compensate for my obvious genetic abnormality of missing arm muscles. 😉
2 min. hold at 135lb. Still working on my foot work on the rope climbs. Did 5 rounds + 4 push ups with a 65lb. bar.
WOD: 7 Rounds + 8 Push-ups
Holy push-ups!
WOD – 7 rounds + 23 air squats