SWIFT Weekly Programming Preview : 1/4-1/9

Our week is going to start off with an intense triplet of some of our favorite SWIFT movements. Calories, thrusters and burpees on repeat are going to test our cardio! Accessory work to strengthen our pressing abilities in a deep squat will close out the start to our week.

Today, we’ll be throwing a two part workout at you! Loaded with some Dumbbell power cleans, dumbbell snatches and core movements, your midline will thank you later. Accessory work to target leg and hip stability will finish class out.

Today we’re going to spend some time seeing how many reps you can do of goblet squats and double unders! Still working on those Double unders? Then get in some practice. Accessory work is going to consist of a push, pull combo and some cool down working on balance.

Partner day! You and a partner are going to be chipping away in You Go, I Go style! Deadlifts, Step Ups and Bike, OH MY!

Familiar bodyweight movements are going to take us into the weekend, a simple combo of push ups and box jumps are going to make for some fast transitions and make sure your arms and legs are fresh every time you get back to work! Bent over rows and tempo goblet squats are going to make an appearance to end the day.

Saturday is going to call for everything you’ve got left from the week. We’re going to see just how many reps you can accumulate in this fight gone bad style workout. Some midline accessory work is going to round out our week!