Elyse Merchant has official accepted an invitation to join our Coaching Staff. Please welcome Elyse as an Assistant Coach.
Elyse is very passionate about CrossFit and a HUGE Paleo advocate. Feel free to pick her brain about anything Paleo. She also played Division 1 college soccer at Ohio University. Read her entire bio in the coaching tab on the website.
Congrats to Coach Moises on completing his Assistant Coach requirements. He is now a LEAD COACH. Expect to see him leading a few classes now as well as continuing as an Assistant Coach. He also now has full authority to hand out burpees at his will, be afraid, be very afraid.
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22:35 as RX’ed. A tough one for poor runners like myself, but I can tell I’m getting better!
21:26 @ 225. That cold 31 degrees zaps you, I’m still feeling it.
Almost forgot. Congratulations Elyse and Moises. I foresee a lot of burpees in the near future.
I second this! We already had an amazing coaching staff, but CFNT keeps adding even more top talent!
125# Next time I will go heavier.
Congrats to Elyse and Moises. 6AM is going to have to clean up its act. Well as much as we can.
Is it Paleo time yet! Getting excited.
Congrats Elyse and Moises!!
17:38 @ #103…still working on my form, will go heavier next time for sure.
sooooo glad tomorrow is yoga day for me. i know its been a great week when my whole body hurts & its only wednesday!
started at 235#s (72% of 1RM), but Coach Peter wisely bumped me down to 215 lbs halfway through my 2nd set of DLs b/c my form was going to hell.
it was still plenty heavy and my technique still needs work, b/c my last set of DLs felt pretty ugly. i need to slow down, reset myself during the lift, and forget about the clock.
22:24 (95# bar – still need to work on form.)
My lower back is so tight right now.
22:38 at #225
19:30 RX
Really working on technique, can’t afford to get hurt like I did before
21:00 w/ 93#
I think I need to work on technique, because I’m definitely feeling more in my quads than my hamstrings right now.
17’33” Rx. Loved this one.
21 Flat w 185#’s – That was killer… After my first set Peter said when I got back from the run there would be less weight on the bar so I could focus on technique!
I think he forgot to change the weight… Or he saw that I was a beast 😉 I’m goin w the latter of the two!
185# 19:40
170# 25:33
WOD: 19:40 @ 185#
technique improving; really need to work on a consistently long stride when running distance.
Congrats to the CFNT new coaches!
133# 19:35
Wasn’t thrilled when I finished because I should’ve pushed harder and not broken the deadlifts up as much as I did.
23:50; 95# deadlift–especially grateful for my children whom, at 5 minutes each and a popsicle, eased my pain with back and leg rubs–25 minutes of massage therapy at the low price of 5 poppies! 🙂
17:18 Rx’ed makeup