TH marketplace and enter the code CFNapTown to join our team. Monday: beginning our week with core and grip accessory work. From there, we will build into an interval workout that will force you to sprint hard and earn your rest. Tuesday: first strength day of the week will be with front squats. We will do squat prep to start the day off to make sure your hips and ankles are ready to go on this. You’ll finish the day out with a variation on a the benchmark workout Nicole. Wednesday: beginning our day with a light barbell AMRAP not for a score but to work on perfect technique. We will then put that technique to practice as a part of your workout today, a retest of an Open workout from 2011. Thursday: back to our strength cycle today working on the push press. We will spend a good amount of time after the pressing work today on the kettlebell before taking on a kettlebell and gymnastics couplet for your workout. Friday: day three of strength work and closing out the week with deadlifts. Your workout for the day will be a test of your mental fortitude and skill in strategizing. Today has no real prescribed load or object so you’ll get to pick an object and a weight that will be a good test for you in a journey to 100 thrusters. Saturday: Partner workout today with two scores. You’ll be working back and forth between rounds of one of two classic girl wods and calories on the bike. Have a fun and fit week!]]>
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