Monday: testing the most classic of benchmarks today with the workout that most athletes do as their first introduction to CrossFit. We will partner up and judge one another on this piece today to hold each other accountable. After the workout, we will close the day out with some strength work to stick to our cycle Tuesday: working through a strength and skill EMOM to start the day to work on improving our Olympic lifting and continue practicing good overhead positions. We will finish out the day with a long and grinding AMRAP of light and fast movements Wednesday: back to the strength cycle today, this time at the start of class. You will begin the day on core and hip prep to feel primed for the strength and the workout to follow. Your workout today will feature a moderately heavy barbell and low rep gymnastics work for a fast and spicy couplet. Thursday: once again beginning our day off with skill work, focusing on the core and posterior chain. The workout of the day features some hard and fast interval work that will burn up the lungs and shoulders. Friday: celebrating the holiday season with our annual 12 Days of Fitness workout! Come in for this fun and festive chipper to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas song. Saturday: closing the week out with a long, nasty partner workout. Enjoy this challenging couplet pairing a dumbbell and cardio equipment for a grinder that will keep you moving from start to finish!]]>
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